My Family's Navy Adventure

Welcome to All Hands on Deck: Sailor, Wife and Life.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Top Ten

Adam is at training.  We see him tonight though!  :)  House is quiet and clean.  When he is gone, I am bored. So I clean.

Top 10 things I miss about Adam when he is away.


10.  1 tooth brush in the holder.
9.  I don't know how to grocery shop for just me and a 1 year old.  Monday's trip was yogurt, strawberrys, deli meat and one can of raviolli.  Clearly, I was not focused and now we have to go back.
8.  No one to watch Wipe Out with.  Or anything else for that matter.  TV is useless unless you have someone to commentate.
7.  No one to disagree with about the radio station.  He would secretly change the settings on my car radio.
6.  Bathroom mirror stays clean.  I miss his spit splashes.
5.  Tiny goes to a closed door and yells "DaDa".  She thinks he is in the bathroom.
4.  He would always look over my shoulder when I am working on something.  It bugs me, but I miss it.
3.  He sings in the shower.  "Ba-ba-da-da-da-da"  Tiny thinks he is GREAT.
2.  Kisses.  He is magical.
1.  He keeps me sane.  He balances me out.  He makes me laugh.

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